Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Who Said Bloggin Was Easy?

Today was a lesson in how things in the blog world that should be easy sometimes just don't work that way.

You see, I started a blog project in August of last year, and while I really, really liked the concept and idea of what I was doing, I set it up wrong. That blog, or series of blogs, is done on WordPress. I don't have any trouble with WP, but I split the content of what would have been essentially one blog (for most normal people, at least, and we are getting an idea here just how not normal I can be...) and split it up over 6 different blogs. Ooops...

All I managed to do for myself was create an administrative mess, and not enough content going into any of the blogs to get any kind of critical mass going for the readers to respond to. Double oops...

Well, I procrastinated all winter under the guise of "thinking" about what I was going to do with it and how I was going to fix it. I knew I needed to combine everything back into the main blog, but I just didn't have the energy since I had a feeling it was going to be a job and a half. So I got up this morning, and after getting back into the whole writing thing again with this blog set out to finally do something with the other one and get it back in the public's view. And guess what? I was right about it being a job and a half! I am exhausted! (oh wait, the exhaustion may be from the cubic yard of rock we got today for the greenhouse, but that's another story)

So now it's midnight, and I don't know if I have the job completed, but it is presentable and as good as it is going to get for tonight. The other blog is called Gotta Be Reel and can be found at Basically, it's authentic reel reviews from the peanut gallery, and where I let my more sarcastic side out while giving the scope on the new products from Hollywood. Go check it out!

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Kiley said...

I simply wouldn't have the patience to deal with more than one blog...especially when I'm not feeling so great, it's amazing enough (to me) that I manage to post to the single one I have going right now. :-)

Anonymous said...

It was definitely a mess! I don't know how I will do with it either. Most of the time I am atleast functional, and when I'm not I am usually watching some movie or another so I think I will be alright. Just one more thing to add to the adventure of life, right?