Monday, July 23, 2007

Here's a little something that has been eating at me for no apparent good reason lately...

Now, I'm a Republican but even I admit that Georgie-boy is never going to win a contest as the best person we have ever put in the White House. Then again, either would his dad, Clinton, Carter, Ford, and in my opinion even Kennedy. So, since we now have another round of endless campaigning, speeches, phone calls begging for money, and scripted TV appearances coming up on us, I have started thinking about HOW exactly we end up with a moron like Georgie-boy. Or even better, how do we end up with any of the morons we put into public office? I cringe to think that what we have now is the absolute best we have to put into office. That thought is enough to bring up contemplation of immigration to Iran, Syria, or even France.

The only thing I can come up with is that we desperately need a "None of the Above" option (not a write-in blank, but simply a None of the Above) on the ballots. You see, if we had that, and after all the speeches, all the positioning, all the party-line bullshit was said and done and we still didn't feel that our available choices were CAPABLE of doing the job (or at least what they say), then guess what? We vote None of the Above and start the fucking process over until we DO find someone capable of doing the job.

I know many will be quick to point out all the difficulties such a thing would create such as never reaching a consensus and never electing anyone ever again, and I must point out that I never said I am presenting a perfect solution. But fuck! I am tired of feeling like all the election is going to be is a choice between the "lesser of two evils" rather than putting the right man or woman into the job who can actually do it.

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