Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Want One!

Normally, I ignore advertising. I mean, come on, we all know it is geared to getting us to drool over the newest, greatest whatever regardless if we really need it or not. How many people bought Air Jordans for their kids so they could "Be Like Mike"? Not me, and not because I don't have kids. I just knew that at 5'9", mid 20's and white, I wasn't going to "Be Like Mike" short of a pair of stilts, trapeze wires, and a net! Anyhow, on to the post...

Recently I have been noticing the TV spots for the new iPhone from Apple. Since my current cell phone is about four years old, doesn't fold, flip, take pictures, or do tricks, and the battery life is now being measured in nanoseconds between charges, I'm in the market for a new cell phone. I wouldn't even mind changing carriers since the one I am on is not exactly the best out there, and I also need the ability to get a card for the laptop in the future which my current carrier doesn't offer. All in all, I am the prime candidate for AT&T/Cingular and their target audience.

Now, if the new iPhone can do HALF of what the advertising claims it can do, I must say that I want one of those puppies! I mean, I don't have an iPod or don't have a PDA with internet access. Basically, other than my laptop, I have been content with my life without having to go out and buy the newest gadgets and gizmos, and definitely without having to find a way to pay the bills that seem to invariably come along with them to make them even somewhat useful. So, why is the new iPhone peaking my interest so much?

I guess it is because now I see the chance to pick up all the gizmos and gadgets in one package and be set for another four or five years. Either way, I will definitely be heading out to the local store to take a look at that little puppy and do some drooling come June 29th. I just hope the store doesn't have a "You drool, you buy" policy!

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