Thursday, April 19, 2007

Systemic Overhaul!

By registration, I'm Republican. By thought, I'm usually nowhere near Republican, or the Democrats for that matter. I am usually to be found right smack dab in the middle somewhere in LaLa Land.

This country has basically three political parties: Republicans are the conservative tight asses who seem to believe the government was just fine in 1905, Democrats are the liberal suck asses that figure we can all either be in government or at least get a check from it, and the third affiliation I call the "Green Piecers", not just because they are the environmental fundamentalists out huggin trees but they seem to piece together platforms on what is the most current social outrage.

I am firmly convince that like me, most Americans are somewhere in the middle of this quagmire. Sorta like walking right down the double yellow line hoping like hell you don't get sideswiped by some redneck's mirror on the old Ford or get the hood ornament of a yuppy's new Mercedes shoved up our own tailpipes. On some issues, I am conservative, on others, I'm down right liberal, then on others, I just don't give a shit!

Now, when our system is working like it is supposed to, the running of the country ends up being somewhere in the middle between liberal and conservative because our system is designed around the concept of compromise between the two. Great, that puts most things right in line with me walking the double yellow. But every once in awhile, we get one group or the other that refuses to compromise and gains the power so that for a time it doesn't need to. By the end of Bush Jr.'s tour, we will have basically spent 16 years in this situation!

I say we force the politicians to once again realize they have to compromise with each other. How? Simple. We hold general elections, and the candidate with the most votes becomes President, and runner-up is the VP. Yeah, I know, we would end up with a Republican President and Democrat VP (or vice versa), but you know, they would have to compromise and so would Congress! This shit of us leaving our country up to "the lesser of two evils" and getting an entire branch of our government that is NEVER elected save for one has got to stop!

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